I didn't archive my M.A. thesis with the University, but I'm sharing it on Scribd. for the three people on the planet who might be interested. http://www.scribd.com/doc/25240148 My thesis is a cultural history of last nineteenth century Guatemala examines a world's fair held in there in 1897. I argue that fair organizers, in addition to promoting the fair as a way to stimulate investment and immigration, used visual culture to transform discourses about Mayan Indians that portrayed them as barbaric savages to a modern workforce for the purpose of coffee cultivation. I can see places where it still needs some work and places where I need to rethink some thing, but I suppose that's what the dissertation is for. Anyways, this is a personal, unpublished work, so please don't cite it, even if you do happen to think that its brilliant. Cheers!
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