Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More media ridiculousness

Today's critique of media nonsense stems from this video:

Since the threats mentioned in the video refer to black students, it makes total sense that interviewers talked to phenotypically white kids to find out their reactions to some graffitti that explicitly threatened black students.  The one black student interviewed had to be identified by the news reporter as black.  Without this critical tidbit of information, we could have easily accused this news segment of exhibiting bias.  As is, we can only accuse the creators of this story of totally irresponsible reporting verging on bias.

Supposedly, according to other internet media sources, the president of this institution, his wife, and their dog have gallantly offered to stay in the dorm where the threatening message was found.  Somehow, this selfless and magnanimous gesture was meant to assure black students that, really, the threatening message wasn't aimed at white people.

/end snarky rant

Really, I can't even make this stuff up.  Its like shooting fish in a barrel.

Posted via email from Fijese que...